One of the "classic" and well-regarded f2 line of lenses.
I have no idea what they're going for. I paid $160 for it in 1998, and would be
happy with that (plus shipping) or make me an offer.
It appears to be in excellent condition, no internal dust, no wear marks that I
see. It has an after-market cap.
Although I'm in Canada, I can ship from the US after the 21st to save some
shipping expense.
Photos here:
:::: When something begins to feel like a bummer, I always try to turn my
thoughts toward answering the question, "What is good about this?" I turn the
thing that upsets me around in my mind until I can see the bright side. I find
that there is usually a silver-lining to every cloud, if I just look for it. --
Misty Eve
:::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: