Chuck: Mine is black. A while back, I shot for an afternoon with a
friend's E-M5, which is silver. They both handled fine. I could have
bought either. Honestly I think the silver is prettier (perhaps because
I have a silver OM-2). But in the end I bought the black because it does
not announce its presence loudly the way silver does. I think I may use
it in the concert hall and theater with a Leica 90 Summicron attached,
and for candid work. So black is beautiful. :-)
If the covering is plastic of some kind, that has an advantage--it
doesn't get as cold when you're shooting outside in cold weather.
I don't mind the covering pattern at all, and my fingers do not slide
off it. I'm getting a John Milich grip, though. My hands are a bit big
for the camera as is, though I can do it. I find myself letting the
strap hang down on the right side so my hand covers it.
> Do you own or have preferences for the silver or black body and why?
I normally prefer a black bodied camera but (it's very strange and I
can't explain why) when I look at the unusual pattern of the material
covering the black body it strikes me as something I don't want to even
touch. The conventional pebbled leatherette of the silver body looks
more "normal" and inviting to touch.
> Anyone have any similar comments or feelings... or am I just weird?
> Enlarge the images below for a close look at the "skin".
> Silver
> Black
> Chuck Norcutt
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: