Questions of word-order notwithstanding, my recollection is that
Graham did indeed reveal his reason for using Vista - perhaps it was
in a face-to-face conversation rather than a list posting.
It's what his local ilm processing shop kept in stock!
Secrets of success, eh?
On 26/11/2012, Fernando Gonzalez Gentile <fgonzalezgentile@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Thanks Chuck :-) but don't hesitate to point out when you find it's
> wrong: I'm way out of practice.
> Yes, I was thinking of GB, and some threads discussing Agfa Vista. He
> never told, afaik, why did he prefer that film above others.
> On those years, uploads were small, and monitors (at least mine) were
> far from what rule now.
> I'll be posting some scans soon. I've been not too active taking
> pictures lately - sending E6 to Dwayne's is more expensive (and not
> much better) than what it used to be here.
> And other issues like importing a new Bryston amp. - a very
> disappointing experience from April to September, and very much OT
> here.
> Cheers,
> Fernando.
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Chuck Norcutt
> <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Great to see you back. The English is perfect... something I can't
>> always say about my own. :-)
>> Chuck Norcutt
>>> Am I right?
>>> Chuck, is my English still OK ?
> --
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