Ken, I agree with you fully.
The 3Ti was so darn perfect to use, I had to sell it. It made me not use
my larger-format cameras anymore. It made me lazy, shooting things I
should rather be shooting with my Mamiya.
You see, printing the large negative in the darkroom, *that* is where
the perfection lies closest to my heart. It was tearing me apart, this
most perfect camera in the world to *use*, but only average prints
(compared to what 6x7cm, 4x5in produces). I'm not a sharpness freak, but
there is a solidity, a smooth tonality, to negatives that are not
over-enlarged. And my composition through a waist-level finder always
ends up being best, for some strange reason. But up to 8x10in, the OMs
produced perfection indeed.
My heart yearns for the little OM-3Ti body sometimes, I miss the feeling
in my hands... But I've grown as a person (letting this amazing stuff
go) and focusing on what I feel is most artistically important for my
I will forever remain an OM-3Ti user in spirit with you, Ken. You are
indeed holding design and engineering perfection, and the damned coolest
gadget for any mechanical engineering freak ever made :-)
The Leica M3 comes close though, and I get my 35mm kicks from that.
On Tue, 2012-11-13 at 09:43 -0600, Ken Norton wrote:
> I took yesterday off from work and managed to get a couple items
> caught up on. But, it also gave me a chance to play with cameras for a
> few minutes.
> On Saturday, I got out for a bit and enjoyed the last day of warm
> weather before the thermometer headed south. I popped the 24/2.8 with
> yellow filter on the DMC-L1 and headed for the nearby state park.
> Those of you on Facebook probably saw some of the results.
> Yesterday, I did some test shots to see exactly where my PanaLeica
> lens is failing and then did some comparative shots with the OM
> Zuikos. (No contest). I also experimented with the 35-80 on the L1 as
> well as the E-1. Something just didn't seem right to me, although the
> images were perfect, so I put the lens on the OM-3Ti. Instant joy.
> So, as we left the house to head over to the next town for a
> chiropractor appointment and a visit with some in-laws, I packed only
> one camera and one lens. The OM-3Ti and 35-80 zoom. There really is
> joy in using this near perfect camera-lens combination. What a
> pleasure it is to use. Total joy. Total peace. Perfection at its best.
> I can buy a LOT of film for what a new digital camera costs and it
> will still pale in comparison to this.
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
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