Read here:
and in particular the last paragraph !
David Siegal's 90,000 square foot home was borne out of a giant Ponzi
scheme !
On 21/10/2012 5:20 PM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
> Not so much subsistence as free from the attachment to materialism. There's a
> line in Lord of the Rings that struck me the first time I read it. It's
> Galadriel talking to Gimli the Dwarf. She says words to the effect that much
> gold would pass through his hands, but that it would not hold dominion over
> him.
> I don't advocate wasteful lifestyles either, such as the time share
> billionaire in Florida who's building the largest house in America while
> telling his employees that if President Obama is reelected, he may have to
> downsize the company. Who needs the biggest house in America? That's all ego.
> In our country he may have every right to spend his money that way, but I
> believe he also has a moral responsibility not to. He may be free to build
> his house, but if he were truly free, he wouldn't have to.
> My plumber put it another way: Want what you have.
> Fairly smart piece of advice.
> On Oct 21, 2012, at 9:32 AM, Jan Steinman wrote:
>> I don't think they mean the same thing. You can feel unattached to the food
>> you eat, but none of us are independent of food.
>> Did you mean "don't care" or did you mean "don't need?"
>> Bill Gates may claim to be "unattached" to his material goods. A tribe of
>> indigenous natives may well be independent of them.
>> My interpretation was that you were advocating a subsistence life-style!
>>> On Oct 20, 2012, at 1:32 AM, Jan Steinman wrote:
>>>> But this one goes in my quotes database, Bob: "freedom is a state of being
>>>> independent of material goods."
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