I like, but I like the Silver Effex effect better. Sure, it could be fiddled
with, but it provides an otherworldly effect that your moosification doesn't
have. You've popped the contrast up a bit, but you've lost the magic of
whatever SEffx pixel bending Tina did in the first one. Her SEffex made the
doorway look like a gateway to Faerie; your moosification makes it look like a
well-defined doorway.
It's been my experience that sometimes it takes a while with Silver Effex Pro
to get the right look. One tends to go too far one way, and then too far the
other before having that Goldilocks moment. <g>
On Oct 11, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Moose wrote:
> I think its better to start with the original, and add what one wants than to
> try to undo what efx has done.
> Working on the small screen with large changes in brightness with vertical
> viewing angle is problematic. Still, perhaps
> this will give an idea what I'm talking about - enhancing the drama somewhat,
> without making it harsh.
> <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/Manley/Polly%20and%20LauraII.htm>
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