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Re: [OM] TOP - DxO Gives OM-D High Marks

Subject: Re: [OM] TOP - DxO Gives OM-D High Marks
From: Frank Wijsmuller <wijsmuller@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 13:02:36 +0200
I can see your point, the K-5 is the camera many people feel should have
been the e-3/5 in terms of size and handling.

However, I'm not comfortable to talk about 'better cameras' and 'higher
quality APS-C cameras, in general' as these tests are about the sensor, not
the camera. We all know that what makes a camera a  'better' camera is
highly subjective.  And that 'higher quality' is in much more then the

These DxO measures show that on the sensor part, m43 camera's like the E-M5
have become more serious competitors of APS-C then ever before. That is why
these measures have some relevance. There is no claim of the best m43
camera outperforming the best APS-C camera, so that shouldn't be discussed

If you want to know how the E-M5 scored *as a package* then read the
DPreview conclusion of the E-M5 test: "...The E-M5 can't completely
overcome the light capture disadvantage brought by its smaller sensor,
compared to APS-C, but it reduces it to the point that it's irrelevant for
almost all practical purposes. At which point we think its size advantage,
in terms of both body and lenses, will outweigh that difference for most
uses. If you're *absolutely unwilling* to compromise on image quality then
spending twice the money and moving up to the bulk of full-frame is the
only way of gaining a significant step up from the E-M5...".

On a sitenote, I handled the Sony A99 on the Photokina. It has an EVF which
I think will be the one to shift the market from OVF. Wonderfull. In fact,
I witnessed two other people at the Sony stand being surprised that it was
no OVF ;-)

Best, Frank.

2012/9/30 Chris Barker
> I mean that, for instance, my K-5 gets better scores than the much newer
> E-M5.
> I do not gloat about this, at least because I don't know the system, but
> my comment is that the E-M5 seems to be good, but only in the way of being
> the best µ43 camera so far.  It does not raise the results of µ43, in
> general, above those of the higher quality APS-C cameras, in general.
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