Such a wise Moose. <g> Good vulture, by the way. Very good.
On Sep 8, 2012, at 2:53 PM, Moose wrote:
> On 9/8/2012 10:25 AM, Bob Whitmire wrote:
>> In my tribe, yes. You've described exactly why I shoot digital. <g>
> And why I shoot with wide focal range zooms. "... while hiking if you hit
> upon wildlife requiring a long lens at once
> when the one sitting on your film body is a wide or a macro ..."
> I've taken a LOT of shots that I consider great only because a twist of the
> wrist could dramatically change the AOV.
> In keeping with Nathan's recent posts from the Calif. coast, here's the full
> frame of one from Bodega Bay.
> <>
> Back in 2005, I was taking landscape shots of the coast from Bodega Head,
> when this Turkey Vulture flew over my head
> from behind. When I sensed he shadow from something above me, I had no time
> to do more than turn the zoom ring while
> raising the camera and push the go button. I took a couple more shots as it
> flew away, but they aren't any good. This
> was taken 26 seconds after a landscape shot, and a couple of seconds after
> the lens was set much wider.
> Not bad, I think, for a 6MP, consumer grade DSLR and 11x zoom. Crop a little
> bit closer, and it's certainly a great deal
> better than a crop to the same bird size from the most expensive, FF DSLR
> with pro quality 24-70/2.8 zoom.
> <>
> Old Saw: The camera and lens in your hand takes a better photograph than the
> camera and lens on the shelf.
> Phillipe & Moose's general corollary: With moving subjects, the lens on your
> camera takes a better photograph than the
> one in your bag.
> Moose's specific, personal corollary: When walking with spouse and/or
> friends, the lens on my camera most often takes a
> better photograph of any subject than the one in my bag.
> Logical Moose
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