Just two? That's a bit restrictive, but if that is your constraint, then
the 35-80 (duh), and either a wide (24) or a telephoto (200/4 or even
longer, I don't know your style).
Ask yourself:
* Will be tripod-bound mostly, or lots of hand-held?
* Deep DOF or shallow DOF? (for me, always shallow...)
If this were me (I never owned the 35-80) I would have done:
* 24/2.8
* 50/1.4
* 100/2
* 300/4.5
* Ilford Pan F at ISO32
* Tripod
Four fabulous, tiny-for-their specs lenses. You could backpack up
everest with these four without feeling it, so I'm not sure why the
limit to two :-)
Use the tripod, forget the spontaneous shots - you've got a cellphone
cam for those (and they suck in anyway). Print the crap out of the Pan F
negs when you come back. Can you see the creamy tones already? The
sparkling highlights? The smooth mid-tones? The endless dynamic range?
Ahhh.... Pan F... There is no substitute.
On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 11:20 -0500, Ken Norton wrote:
> > Oh no... not this again! Don't we go through this every year, Ken?
> Yup, but this time it is different. ;)
> > Go on, be bold, limit yourself. Take only the 3Ti, and a couple of
> > lenses. You won't regret it.
> OK, to play along with your thinking, here are my lenses to choose
> from. Pick two:
> 24/2.8, 35/2.8, 50/1.4, 100/2.8, 100/2, 200/4, 300/4.5, 35-80/2.8 and
> ATX 100-300/4.
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.zone-10.com
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