Hi Nathan and all,
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>The other day I developed a roll of MF film I had shot the weekend before.
Always a good, rewarding task ;-)
>Also, the temperature of the liquid was about 28C, and the tap water was
>even warmer--yes, it is hot in Alicante in August.
Pretty much the same here...
>I thought there was enough developer left in the bottle,
The key to disaster :-) :-) :-)
>it became apparent that they are merely an artifact due to the developer
>not covering the top 1/4 of the film.
Sorry to hear that... Since I currently use Jobo rotating drums (even for
B&W) which use a lot less chemicals, this is less of an issue to me; but my
older manual tank needed an awkward 590cc for 120/220 film, and 650cc for a
couple of 35mm... With some kits (esp. Tetenal C41 & E6, which I have done
for two decades) mixing to 500cc, I learned to keep the tank with a slow
"precession" motion during process, in order to keep all the film soaked on
that limited liquid quantity -- no problems so far.
Obviously, you're not alone on the "development issues" club ;-) A few days
ago I was going to develop three B&W films -- one of them (Neopan 1600) had
a different development time than the other two (Ilford Delta 3200, and a
_pushed_ Delta 400) so it had to go on a different batch. When I have to do
several batches, I _usually_ (another key to disaster) follow the sequence
"load tank - process - load tank - process..." but this time, in order to
"save some time", I loaded a couple of tanks before processing -- since
they were differently sized, there was no risk of confusion, right?
First went the Neopan alone -- no problems, and I mixed the (one shot)
Rollei RHS developer for the next batch while the Neopan was on wetting
agent. But then, with a just-finished development, I blindly went to *load*
the next tank, and I *opened* looking for the spirals... and there they
were, already _loaded_ :-( :-( :-( I did process it anyway.
The Delta 3200 was on top, and totally ruined... but the 400 is usable,
with some extra density and flares. But it had shots of the Perseids meteor
shower (it's *very* difficult to capture a meteorm anyway) and it was
succesful caputuring ONE of them, even with the processing issues!
Carlos J. Santisteban Salinas
IES Turaniana (Roquetas de Mar, Almeria)
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