I'm impressed by the time-lapses. How many balloons taking part ?
> It was last weekend, and the weather was pretty good until Sunday. On
> Thursday evening, I opted to park myself on the hillside opposite the
> site and watch the mass ascent. In addition to the E-3, 50-200 and 14-54,
> also took one of my Minolta A1s and an intervalometer to record a
> time-lapse:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmUmHy3wwAY&feature=plcp
> One of them seemed to be determined to catch a sequence of air currents
> which kept the balloon close to the launch site, and ended up doing a very
> gentle landing in the next field from me. Thought he might end up in the
> reservoir for a while there.
> On Friday morning, I awoke at 5 am for some reason and couldn't get back
> sleep, so went to see the morning ascent instead. Took the same kit with
> and did another time lapse. More still photos that time, too.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx7uZyMeE8k&feature=plcp
> Then I went back on Friday evening, and parked myself up the hill from the
> launch site. Met office said the wind was heading that way, but that
> very little in the real world, and they actually took off and went roughly
> parallel to the hillside instead.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcQQ4qa6lCI&feature=plcp
> Saturday I was otherwise engaged, and on Sunday the weather was much
> windier and rain showers were forecast. It turns out they still launched
> the wind took them right past my flat. Didn't snap any pictures though.
> Wouldn't want to broadcast the state of my windows to the world ;)
> Still photos of all 3 ascents in my picasa gallery, including a Friday bee
> stuck-in (never thought of the 50-200 as a macro lens) and some nice
> crepuscular rays.
> https://picasaweb.google.com/103946165422859151776/BristolBalloonFiesta
> 2012
> --
> Stand firm for what you believe in, until and unless logic and experience
> prove you wrong. Remember: when the emperor looks naked, the emperor
> *is* naked, the truth and a lie are not "sort-of the same thing" and there
> no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza.
> -Daria Morgendorffer
> --
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