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Re: [OM] Eeeek!

Subject: Re: [OM] Eeeek!
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2012 14:55:19 -0700
On 8/2/2012 2:39 PM, Joel Wilcox wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 2, 2012, at 04:02 PM, Moose wrote:
>> Focus on relatively small things close vs. background is MUCH better than
>> on the E-PL1, and focus in decent light is
>> very fast, but where it's CDAF will focus in a complex, 3D subject is
>> just 'different' than with Canon PDAF.
> Are you using a single focus point or an array?

Single. That's how I've always worked. I never did understand all those 
multiple point focus systems - just confusing. 
How could it possibly know where I want focus to be. The 5D may be set, and the 
60D is set by default, to focus using a 
button on the back, rather than a half press. I'm used to putting the center 
point on the place where I want focus, 
focusing, then composing and shooting. Haven't set the OM-D up for that yet, 
but likely will.

I suppose there could be, probably is, a system where the whole array of focus 
points is used to automagically decide on 
an aperture setting for optimal DOF?

Wait, it's coming to me. I think it was a camera that does that with facial 

Simple Focus Moose

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