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Re: [OM] (OT) American Flags and Geraniums

Subject: Re: [OM] (OT) American Flags and Geraniums
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2012 13:23:14 -0500
BTW, I take back my 40 lashes.

Last I checked, Elizabeth II is popularily known as the "Queen of
England", not Queen of UK. Although, it is true that she is the queen
regnant of the United Kingdom. Queen of the British Empire. Head of
the Commonwealth. Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Defender
of the Faith.

So, England does have a queen.


But to bring this full circle to what I was referring to. Even our
national anthems even reflect this:

God Save the Queen
Star Spangled Banner

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