My guess is that no one ever expected to see an old brass lens mated to an
Olympus E-1 or any other digital camera. And the image is quite nice. I like
the quality of the shot. How about doing more of those?
On Jul 6, 2012, at 9:54 PM, Jim Nichols wrote:
> Michael,
> Your reference to an 1892 brass lens reminded me of my experience with a
> lens from that period. Mine was by Ross London, and is marked 8-inch No. 6
> Symmetrical. It has Waterhouse stops, with the largest being 1/2-inch in
> dia., making it an f/16 lens. Rather than try to use my old 4x5 Speed
> Graphic, I fitted it to a bellows and used it on my Olympus E-1. The images
> linked below show the hardware and an image made with this setup.
> The lens:
> The assembly:
> The image, made on a very cold day in January:
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: