The weather up here has been odd this week - very misty, but very patchy,
banks of sea-mist giving way very suddenly to bright sunshine, so you may
well have a point. Yes, they were flying as a pair, one trailing the other
(in itself unusual) on an ENE track roughly parallel to the southern
coastline of the Moray Firth, and very much closer to me (maybe 1km), on the
southern shore of the Cromarty Firth) than is usual. The normal sight is 1,
2 or 3 singletons following a NNE track closer to the northern shore of the
Cromarty Firth (about 4km away) heading for the range at Tain, on a track
parallel to the northern coastline of the Moray Firth. That they were a
pair, and so much closer, is possibly what made me look.
I only saw your first Me-109 image, couldn't look at your Smugmug site
yesterday, but since looking at the site today, I realise one of the reasons
for my knowing Cliff Spink's name - you! The Spitfire XVI TD248 with CR-S
markings is surely his?
And compare these:
02.jpg> from <>
from <>
-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Barker [mailto:ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 06 July 2012 06:09
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Vintage Visitor
Cliff does a lot of flying, Piers, and he's a well-known chap. He's also a
very personable soul.
I agree about the Me-109, mainly because it looks pristine. The canopy
looks new as well.
Not remember the Battle of Britain film, the one with the gorgeous Susannah
York, the one that my students watch every time they have bad weather (along
with Top Gun)? :-)
I'll ask Cliff next time I see him.
It was very sad about the 2 Tornados. It must have been a mid-air
collision, but I'm not sure about the bad weather as a factor. Were they
flying as a pair or singletons?
In case anyone else is interested:
On 5 Jul 2012, at 22:36, piers@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> I have heard of both Eastern and Cliff Spink,?although not in the same
> context. Thanks for the special sneak view. Methinks it's not a true
> Me-109, but maybe a CASA licence-built version (you perhaps don't
> remember the mid-60s film 'Battle of Britain' which boasted lots of
> nearly-109s from the Spanish airforce. Note the spinner design, and
> air intake.
> Strangely I too had a network problem the other day, in the midst of
> which I noticed an out-of-the-ordinary Tornado two-ship pass on an
> unusual ENE heading... they didn't return :-(
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