Since I'm only in Florida in the winter these days I miss the summertime
lightning displays I used to see in the 80s and 90s. I used to be able
to sit in the garage with the door open and watch the thunderstorms as
they rolled toward the ocean from the 'glades in late afternoon. I
especially remember one that filled the front half of the garage with
about 3" of hail one day. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 7/1/2012 7:07 AM, Chris Barker wrote:
> Very well done, Philippe. I would love to catch an electric storm on
> camera. We used to have excellent storms in Florida: refuelling over
> the Gulf of Mexico at night, with the tanker "lit up like a fairy
> castle" and the Florida coast in the background with its Chinese
> lanterns of thunderstorms lighting up with briliant flashes.
> Beautiful!
> Chris
> On 30 Jun 2012, at 22:44, philippe.amard@xxxxxx wrote:
>> Tonight, from the top window, storm heading towards Strasbourg
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