Two days ago when we were discussing about film scanning, I tried to wake up
my 4000ED to run some testes, I haven't use the scanner since Oct 2010. To
my suprise my computer didn't see the scanner attached, it served me
faultlessly for many years with over 30K scans and now it seems decided to
retire. I open the case, disassembled the mother board, reconnect the cables
then power it up again, at first it was ok but after a few scans it failed
again. I went through the above cycles a few times and finally gave up...
I wasn't very worry as I was expecting I can easily get another 4000ED at
very low price as most peoples have switched to DSLR. Unfortunately the ebay
prices were suprisingly high and repair (if available) cost won't be cheap
I started to digitize my personal films some years ago, over 95% of the
negatives were done but the project was stopped for some reasons. Now
leaving a thousand or two slides to be completed.
I'm not so happy with the scanning quality of my Epson 4870. I tried using
5D II for copying negative two years ago (at that time we got an order of
scanning 10K negatives) but the post adjustment and dusting was very time
consuming so we finally just stick with scanning. I think it is time to
consider the 5D II workflow again, this time the target is slide so it could
be easier.
Here is my setup and the preliminary results looked promising.
Lens is OM 80/4 with 5D II on Olympus focusing rail and copy stand. It was
also my first time using the EOS Utility to control the camera, it was fun!
Liveview can be seen on monitor so focusing can be done comfortably!
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: