Nicely documented, we can even see the slant of the ground.
Now, perhaps Tina had an idea for you to better preserve the house; I
don't have a link to her blog, but I'm sure she'll willingly post it
again and provide sound advice from experience.
Thanks for posting
Le 17 juin 12 à 17:41, Chris Trask a écrit :
> Now that the BAER team has made it's initial assessment of the
> Sunflower FIre, remediation projects are getting started. Because
> of the denuding of the upper reaches of the Sycamore Creek
> watershed, it is anticipated that a heavy monsoonal storm could
> create a flash flood that would damage or destroy historic
> structures at the Sycamore Admin Site. Among the structures are the
> admin house:
> and the barn:
> that were built by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp) during the
> Great Depression in 1936. There are also modern structures at the
> facility that are in danger.
> The goal is to fill 25,000 sandbags to build levees around these
> structures. We had a four-station sandbag filling hopper on loan
> from the Arizona Department of Emergency Preparedness:
> and a dozen positions for three-person crews using shovels:
> We bagan around 0730 and ended the day around 1400 (2 PM) with
> an hour break for a generous lunch that was provided by USFS. There
> were dozens of USFS personnel and almost 100 volunteers. In that
> period of time we filled over 8,000 bags. This project will
> continue through the week and will be completed well before the
> first monsoonal storms arrive.
> The channel of Sycamore Creek is being cleared of debris that
> could result in log jams that would pool water downstream or result
> in sudden releases of water upstream. Concrete barriers will later
> be placed along the existing streamside levee.
> Historically the site has been flooded as high as the top of the
> block foundation of the barn, but BAER anticipates that due to the
> denuding of the watershed the levels could be higher and faster, so
> these measures are necessary in order to protect historic structures
> as well as an essential USFS working facility.
> After we were done, there was ample time to explore some of the
> local flora, amongst which I found a flowering patch of Narrowleaf
> Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon angustifolium), the leaves of which are a
> very effective anticatarrhal for relieving excess sinus drainage:
> Chris
> --
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