Chuck recently posted:
"If I'd have had a gun yesterday I'd have blasted the doe that was in
our back yard."
Chuck, now you have a better idea of why I bought 15 doe permits
last fall for our local NW Wisconsin deer season.
"Forest carp" is a pretty fitting appellation for those "lovely"
white-tailed deer. Sorry they damaged your two maple seedlings. But
try watching deer kill every white pine seedling, every oak seedling,
every maple seedling that tries to grow on your 80 acres, and you'll see
why the WI DNR was selling unlimited numbers of doe permits at $2 each
for our area.
Every vegan should spend a week hand-planting 1,000 pine seedlings
in the woods in the spring and come back the next year to see every last
one of them killed by deer browsing.
Dean (an proud member of PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals)
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: