Yes. The current "in" phraseology is "Blue Ocean". Put yourself where no
one else is; you have all the fish in that area to yourself.
So as I said and Tina reiterated, the big boxes are underpaying employees,
importing from low cost labor countries and have made the commodities they
sell as inexpensive as possible (i.e., what has happened to stock
photography). So where will we find Blue Oceans? Is it in custom printing?
Environmental portraiture? Workshops? How can we find these niches in the
places we live that have a market with enough business and reasonable
margins to sustain ourselves.
Some do weddings (Chris in New Orleans (and now all over the world), does
photo journalistic type wedding photography blended with some traditional
images). Kyle does wonderful surreal work for books and music albums,
Charlie Cramer does amazing landscapes as do others, but offers workshops
on digital techniques that mimic dye printing with digital processing and
imaging. Sexton has a following of devotees for BW wet darkroom work. The
list goes on.
I think this is what the smaller retailers do; how do we find that niche in
our home towns?
On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 9:27 AM, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> When the masses have oversaturated a market, such as stock photography,
> driving the prices down to the point where no significant income is
> possible, then we must go where nobody else is. Even if the overall dollars
> are lower, if you have little competition, you get most of it to yourself.
> The key, though, is to make sure you have enough income potential to
> satisfy.
> Ken
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
> --
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