Yes, it is.
The OM 2n on Auto mode - OTF reading is average, not center-weighted.
Should I've had a 2s, 4, 4Ti or perhaps having switched the 2n to
Manual mode, exposure would have shifted to the shadows a little bit.
At the risk of burning the setting Sun too much, or blurring the shot.
This sort of 'shooting into the Sun' sunset photographs have made me
wonder if an average reading is, counter intuitively, more appropriate
than a center-weighted reading. Just because it's the way we humans
are blinded when looking at a sunset.
Certainly, I'll try to lift the shadows in PS - good idea, Ken. Thanks
a lot. Despite this scan matches the Ektachrome quite right (it's not
the same scan I uploaded to fb, made another one after I saw too much
magenta there), the Coolscan picked up some detail buried in the
buildings 'round Piazza San Marco. Worth a trial !
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It's just a hint on the dark side, but I really like this picture.
> --
> Ken Norton
> ken@xxxxxxxxxxx
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: