Interesting that it's bright enough for a photo. I thought about
observing it too but wouldn't subject my Celestron 8 to the sun without
a full aperture filter. Too expensive. I guess I'll just have to wait
another 100 years or so. :-)
Chuck Norcutt
On 6/6/2012 9:55 AM, Chris Trask wrote:
> Yesterday afternoon and evening were spent observing the transit of
> Venus. None of us will ever have this opportunity in our lifetime,
> unless my goal of immortality proves successful (so far, it's
> working).
> I had earlier made a solar projection screen to fit on a smallish
> Tasco 60x600 telescope with a zoom eyepiece:
> I used it earlier to observe the recent solar eclipse, and
> occasionally use it to observe sunspots, though the angular
> resolution of a refractor of this size limits those observations to
> the larger sunspots.
> This is a typical photo of the transit of Venus, taken at 2130Z:
> I took a few without any filtering, and more using a Wratten #15 deep
> yellow filter to highlight the sunspots.
> Chris
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: