I was just curious and considered it a little challenge. :-)
I was encouraged to follow up fully as soon as I saw the lead-in to the
DPReview article which said this was (then) a $600 camera. I didn't
want to see it go in the trash because it wasn't clear how to operate it.
Chuck Norcutt
On 6/4/2012 2:55 AM, Wiliam Wagenaar wrote:
> Wow, that's what I call service from a friend on the list!
> Wiliam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Norcutt [mailto:chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: zondag 3 juni 2012 23:19
> To: Olympus Camera Discussion
> Subject: Re: [OM] The Convenience of Digital Cameras
> This is an oldie in digtal years (2004) but I wouldn't toss it into the
> trash can. First thing to do is read the DPReview article found here:
> <http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/kodakdx7590/3> As always DPReview gives an
> exhaustive coverage of the menus with images and comments which gives you
> much more info than the user's manual. Speaking of which you can get a PDF
> here:
> <http://support.en.kodak.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/18597/kw/Easyshare%20Z7
> 590%20manual/selected/true>
> The page is actually an HTML version of the manual but there is a link near
> the top to get the manual as a PDF. I always get a PDF if I can to be able
> to search manuals which often have very poor indexes.
> I did search the PDF for ISO references which told me that ISO was
> changeable in some way related to the menu button and/or jog wheel but it
> wasn't clear how. Only after reading DPReview's coverage did I understand
> that after selecting a mode (PASMC, scene, etc) the jog dial walks you
> through the range of settings particular to that mode. The joystick (center
> of mode dial) moves through the settings which are selected by pressing the
> joystick button down for "OK". It wasn't perfectly clear from the manual
> but it appears the ISO is pre-set in certain scene modes or flash usage.
> But that should be apparent if you've got the camera working in front of
> you. The lack of good coverage in the manual is partially offset by
> DPReview's comments that using the camera is somewhat self-explanatory if
> you've got it in-hand and walk through the modes and settings on the screen.
> As to the software and cable I don't think it's actually necessary to have
> them as their use appears to be only for downloading images to the computer,
> probably some minimal postprocessing and image sharing and printing options.
> It also appears to provide a custom SD card formatting option that puts up
> to 32 subject folders on the card which can be used at the time an image is
> taken to pre-sort by subject. But this is not actually necessary since the
> *setup* menu has a card format option.
> If you want the software I'd suggest downloading the current version of
> EasyShare software which dates from 2011-03-07. Caution: 45MB download.
> <http://support.en.kodak.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/36670/selected/true>
> For loading from SD cards without connecting to the camera just get a USB/SD
> card adapter such as this one
> <http://www.amazon.com/Transcend-Flash-Memory-Reader-TS-RDP5K/dp/B001NS828K/
> ref=sr_1_5?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1338758170&sr=1-5>
> My main concern would be the battery. If the battery is a 2004 original it
> must be toast by now. But batteries and chargers are readily available
> <http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=kodak+dx7590+battery&tag=googhydr
> -20&index=aps&hvadid=5681472791&hvpos=1t2&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2173102658
> 58137531&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&ref=pd_sl_1ah3queg8q_b>
> Note that this camera takes an SD card. You may or may not know that SD
> cards are limited to 2GB. It requires SDHC cards to go larger than 2GB but
> SDHC cards didn't exist at the time this camera was developed. So SD is all
> you need. I think (but don't know) that an SDHC card will work but will be
> limited to using 2GB of whatever size the SDHC card is.
> Chuck Norcutt
> On 6/3/2012 1:33 PM, Chris Trask wrote:
>> This morning a fellow at the coffee shop gave me a complete Kodak
>> DX7590 Easyshare 5MP camera. Well, almost complete. He had lost the
>> manual and the interconnection cable, which just happens to have an
>> odd connector at the camera end.
>> The self-loading software doesn't, and after an hour of effort I
>> never got past the Setup.exe file. Can't check to see if the driver
>> is already in my laptop because he had lost the interconnection cable.
>> The online Kodak help page just says to run the Setup.exe file on the
> CDROM and nothing more.
>> For grins I set up the laptop, loaded teh CDROM, then ran the
>> Setup.exe file. It's been sitting there for a half hour and has yet
>> to do anything at all.
>> Found the manual online. It does not tell you how to change the
>> ISO setting, the exposure time, or the aperture. I had to go to an
>> online blog to discover that there is no manual focus.
>> I can now see why Kodak has failed as a camera manufacturer.
>> At least the Quantaray flash he gave me with this is usable. I
>> doubt that the rest of it would make a usable doorstop.
>> Chris
> --
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