There seems to be some artifacts in the sky but I am frankly floored
that there is anything in the sky. The shadow recovery is likewise
impressive. Can we know what camera shot the raw file? I suspect that
while LR4 might be impressive I also suspect it had a lot of help from a
robust raw file.
Chuck Norcutt
On 6/3/2012 3:44 PM, Jez Cunningham wrote:
> Wow!
> I did a short LR4 training course on Saturday afternoon, courtesy of
> Piet Van Den Eynde (see and he
> gave a demo of how to use the new Develop / Basic controls.
> In particular the Highlight Recovery and Fill Light functions of LR3
> have been replaced by Highlights and Shadows. He took a photo with
> lost shadows and blown skies and with two simple slider adjustments
> worked a miracle.
> I was very impressed, I think you will be too. See the before and
> after pictures (and the intermediate effect of each of the 2 sliders)
> at this link:
> All photos copyright Piet!
> I'm sold - on the upgrade as soon as I get Win7 - and on Piet's training!
> He also does some great little $5 ebooks on the Craft and Vision
> website (and iPad app)
> Jez
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: