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Re: [OM] IMG: Nature's Bounty

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Nature's Bounty
From: "Chris Trask" <christrask@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2012 13:09:18 -0700
    This morning a fellow at the coffee shop gave me a complete Kodak DX7590
Easyshare 5MP camera.  Well, almost complete.  He had lost the manual and
the interconnection cable, which just happens to have an odd connector at
the camera end.

    The self-loading software doesn't, and after an hour of effort I never
got past the Setup.exe file.  Can't check to see if the driver is already in
my laptop because he had lost the interconnection cable.  The online Kodak
help page just says to run the Setup.exe file on the CDROM and nothing more.
For grins I set up the laptop, loaded teh CDROM, then ran the Setup.exe
file.  It's been sitting there for a half hour and has yet to do anything at

    Found the manual online.  It does not tell you how to change the ISO
setting, the exposure time, or the aperture.  I had to go to an online blog
to discover that there is no manual focus.

    I can now see why Kodak has failed as a camera manufacturer.

    At least the Quantaray flash he gave me with this is usable.  I doubt
that the rest of it would make a usable doorstop.


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