Thanks for the regular encourgement Bill!
We have our monthly meet tomorrow ( and we'll be
informally showing prints. I'm taking along a half-dozen just to get
some friendly (?) feedback.
And we'll share a pitcher or two of Belgian beer (obligatory content
for Nathan).
We have a Lightroom 4 tutorial scheduled for Sat June 2 so I'm also
working on the continuing education, now I'm in my golden years :-)
On 22/05/2012, William L Barber <nsurit@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> As any who have been around for much time at all know, I occasionally get on
> my soap box and encourage folks on the list to trot their work out in front
> of others in the form of juried exhibitions. For me this activity keeps me
> producing new work, being intentional about what I'm doing and makes me
> aware of what others are doing. In the last couple of days I've been
> notified of the inclusion of one of my images in two juried shows. One in
> an exhibit with the theme of "Play" at A Smith Gallery in Johnson City,
> Texas. This gallery sponsors several shows a year and draws exhibitors and
> jurors from all over the country. The other show is one sponsored by Santa
> Fe Photography Workshops which drew 3700+ entries from which 50 were
> selected. Although I am a bridesmaid (Honorable Mention) rather than the
> bride (in the money) in this one, it is nice to me invited to the wedding.
> As a graduate student in studio art it is important to have these things on
> your CV, however those w
> ho know me know I've been doing this for many years before I became a
> student again. I would encourage each person on this list to look at local,
> state, regional, national and international opportunities to get your work
> out in front of others. You may be surprised where it leads you.
> While standing on my soapbox I'll take the opportunity to encourage folks to
> find places where they have the chance to meet others with similar interests
> in photography and spend some face time. This may be a local
> club/organization, school or workshop. These organizations and activities
> will get you out of the bleachers and onto the playing field. You may
> sometimes feel a little beat up, however you may also be amazed at where it
> takes you.
> Bill Barber
> --
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