The POTUS made a campaign stop at the Univ. of Iowa fieldhouse. A
ticket to get in fell my way on Tuesday, so I decided to stand in the
same room with the man and about 4500 other humans, mostly students.
Waited THREE hours, standing in one spot. Surrounded by very short,
lovely and well-mannered freshman girls, whom it was not however
convenient to attempt to engage in conversation (though I talk to
freshman girls every day). Offered a unique vantage point that you may
not see very often in official photographs. Most shots were made at
about 7-8 feet off the floor, which is my overhead reach, as I used live
view on my newly-acquired E-620.
I enjoyed the shooting part, felt bad for the folks behind me, and will
never do it again. I think.
The photo on my homepage is my favorite. There is a link to a small
gallery that has the rest of the photos, including one of the POTUS with
Pete Souza, the official WH photographer.
Joel W.
-- - The professional email service
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: