Print your photos on canvas and then paint over them.
Chuck Norcutt
On 4/12/2012 7:47 AM, Brian Swale wrote:
> Just to pass on my current thoughts ... I've been in a bit of a mental stew
> lately.
> I really like photography, and gave done since I was aged 12 years.
> But I'd also like to be noticed locally, and making some money as well would
> be nice. Neither of these has taken place. While I have not been able to put
> into practice all the good advice I've had from you guys, I also cast my eyes
> around.
> Recently I bought a copy of the biography of a local water-colour painter;
> Austen Deans. He passed away about 18 months ago aged ?? 95.
> The book is "Capturing Mountains" by Nathalie Brown.
> As painters go, he was near to being reviled by the "Art Community"
> because he was a "representational painter", ie he loved to paint
> landscapes. This is a quote from him ...
> "Seeing something in Nature that intensifies my joy in being alive, I want to
> try to reproduce it in such a form that when I see it again I re-live my joy
> at
> that divine moment. By so painting I hope to share my own delight with other
> people".
> When he returned to NZ from WW2, he continued painting ( he had painted
> all through the war, even as a POW) and started to sell. For the rest of his
> life he was about to make enough money selling mainly local regional
> landscapes - mainly of the mountain here that locals love - to support all his
> growing family of 5 boys, his wife and himself. He was also an ardent
> mountaineer, and always took his paints with him.
> When I lived in Christchurch in the 1960's, I could have bought many of his
> paintings but didn't because I thought then that they looked like "pot-boiler"
> paintings. But they sold.
> It is difficult to find copies of his work on-line now..
> What he wrote and did have caused me to think pretty hard.
> One of his friends and painting mates was Ben Woolcombe whose style and
> subject matter are quite similar, and he also has sold many paintings.
> His website is here ... http://www.
> You can see from his site how many have sold ...
> I've discussed their paintings with a good friend who knows (knew) them
> both, and she said to me
> "I Loved this pic when I first saw it.. (attached to e-mail)
> Done by Ben Woolcome some years ago
> The first time I saw it is was priced at $3000...and then I saw it the other
> day
> at Flock Hill for $4000...
> When I see this painting I can feel the land; the temperature and (recall
> the)
> whole memory I have of this beautiful place...
> I dont care if paintings look rough...........I watched Austen Deans paint
> and it
> was like watching something that made his heart/ life sing...satisfied his
> soul..".
> She is a very insightful person.
> When Deans saw a scene while climbing he would take a photo (probably
> B&W), then do a quick watercolour sketch on the spot ... and make the final
> painting in his studio.
> I'm giving serious consideration to using my photos as an aide to doing
> studio watercolours for sale. It is a lot easier to get galleries to hang
> paintings than photos, regardless of the quality. The kind of photography I
> do can well be labelled "representational", so it can be compared with their
> paintings.:
> I used to do accurate technical drawing of botanical and zoological subjects
> at Uni, and haven't lost the skill.. I should be able to apply that skill to
> landscapes. And then learn painting skills.
> If that all works, it would be another string to my bow ...
> Brian Swale.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: