I looked up a couple of Spanish sites, and the capirote (as the pointy hat
is called) can be traced back to Seville in the 14th century. How the KKK
adopted it, I don't know--perhaps they liked the Spanish because they had
kicked up the Moors and the Jews during and immediately following the
Reconquista in the 1400s?
Op Do, 12 april, 2012 18:02, schreef Bob Whitmire:
> That doesn't surprise me. The similarities are just too close. But how did
> a bunch of racist buttheads during Reconstruction know about the Spanish
> costumes. Or did the robes come into vogue later on?
> On Apr 12, 2012, at 7:31 AM, Chris Crawford wrote:
>> Bob, I thought the same thing about the costumes worn by the people in
>> Nathan's photos. The Ku Klux Klan is said to have modeled their infamous
>> robes and hoods after the traditional Spanish ones shown in these
>> pictures.
> --
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