So, I've been patiently waiting for the Version ICS update for my
Nexus S4G phone. I avoided the manual trial balloons and other hacks.
Honestly, I was pretty concerned about the update process that was
going to be involved. On the Android forums somebody indicated that
Sprint will be pushing the updates out AUTOMATICALLY over the next few
days. OK. Now I'm really scared.
About an hour ago I'm playing some game app and a popup interrupts me
asking if it can update the phone. Hmmm... Do I press "OK"? I figure
that if everything blows up, at least I have a current backup. So I
press it. Over the next five minutes the phone is downloading the new
OS and doing things that I guess we're not supposed to know that they
do. Kinda like your parents having sax. You know they do (did), but
somethings you just don't want to think about.
After about five minutes, the phone reboots and comes up with a new
splash screen. I enter my pass-swipe and then am looking at the
glorious new screen. Not necessarily "better", but definitely
"different". So, I start digging in and seeing what changed and got
improved. The improvements are not insignificant, that's for sure. The
touchscreen is definitely more accurate and responsive than before. It
feels almost like the iPhone now in ballistics.
What has me amazed is how quick and easy this upgrade was. I've never
had anything update that fast or easy. Especially the iPad. I've gone
through two major upgrades to the iPad (and several minor upgrades),
and it didn't update nearly this easily or quickly. We'll see if ICS
addresses the very very few stability bugs that I've encountered, but
so far I've tried to crash it and it won't die.
Well done Google and Sprint. I'm impressed. It took you quite a while
to release ICS to the Nexus S4G, but you've got a winner.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: