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Re: [OM] Missing in action . . . and OT Mac question

Subject: Re: [OM] Missing in action . . . and OT Mac question
From: Michael Collins <MRC.OlympusList@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2012 12:20:57 -0400
On 4/6/12 2:15 PM, NSURIT@xxxxxxx wrote:
> What opinion might the collective wisdom have about compelling reasons
> to buy a Mac rather than an Imac. ... Any reasons not to buy the Imac
> and spend the big  bucks on the Mac?

Welcome back. Just as collaborative, just as fractious, just as fun here as

Mac user since 1985 and Windows user since 1986 (the worse-than-useless
1.00), weighing in. I won't get into the Mac vs. Windows digression that has
appeared on this thread, except to say it's substantially religion and my
belief system is overwhelmingly weighted towards Mac. It just has more
*couth*, an important religious concept. That said, as with others on the
list, I live comfortably in both worlds by necessity (well, three worlds
actually, add Unix/Linux to that list, since 1975), and switch between them
relatively effortlessly. And have VMware Fusion with Windows 7 on the Mac,
for the times when I need to straddle two worlds.

I have an old Mac Pro, stuffed to the gills with memory (13GB) and hard
drives (internal and external). I usually buy for 7 or so years,
overspending wildly at the start, seeing the machine settle into "just fine"
after a few years as applications put on weight, and then starting to wish I
had something better after five or so years, before finally replacing. (My
current Mac Pro is vintage 2006, replacing my earlier G3. Guess its days a

My reason to choose this over an iMac is a strong personal preference for
separation of system unit and display, to allow either to be changed or
updated separately, plus more room to add PCI cards (e.g., eSATA, non-hub
USB ports). Way more expensive to buy a Mac Pro and a display comparable to
the iMac, I agree, and needs extra office real estate, so perhaps not a wise
decision from a business POV. YMMV - if it's just to be a Photoshop engine,
little more, I'd lean instead towards the iMac, and you can still easily add
external drives.

As for purchase timing, you might want to hold off for a couple of months to
see if these rumours have any substance:


"Digitimes points <http://www.digitimes.com/news/a20120406PB200.html>  to a
report in Taiwan's Economic Daily News claiming that Apple is planning to
introduce updated iMac models in June, a bit later than some had initially
hoped given Intel's Ivy Bridge launch schedule  that would see quad-core
desktop processors launch at the end of this month.
The report repeats a claim from earlier this week
in-next-generation-imac/> indicating that Apple will be using
anti-reflective glass for the new iMac"


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