My recollections were unreliable - I mounted my ISO of the CD (which is here
somewhere, I just don't recall where - see beginning of this message).
The CD adds a set of eleven PDFs of the original paper Sales Information
File and an addendum for the 1988 edition amounting to 355MB and a
collections of thirty PDFs of brochures and catalogues amounting to 162MB.
None of the additional files are accessed via the eSIF homepage, but from a
CD homepage with the rubric "Do not copy, do not publish"
In the CD Hans gives his id on the auctions site - that has been dormant
since 2006, and has feedback of 1! But the feedback is from Jaap Korten, who
might be a lead to follow up to find Hans. Except Jaap's own website appears
to be under reconstruction!
-----Original Message-----
From: piers@xxxxxxxx [mailto:piers.hemy@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 31 March 2012 09:20
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: Re: [OM] FW from - Olympus E-SIF (Olympus and Four-Thirds
Forum: 00aCia)
To the best of my recollection the CD includes pdf reproductions of sales
material, brochures etc which were too big to host on the website.
On 30/03/2012, Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 3/29/2012 10:16 PM, Wayne Harridge wrote:
>> Sorry about the cr*p in the previous message, following is the guts
>> of
>> I thought somebody on the list might be able to help out this bloke
>> on
> Didn't you download everything from my hosted version? That's the
> whole enchilada, as far as I know, and modified slightly to eliminate
> broken links, etc. <>
> Does the guy require an actual CD? That would be silly. He could burn
> one himself.
> I'd reply myself, but I don't need to sign up for yet another
> photography site.
> eSIF Host Moose
> --
> What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
> --
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