Thanks for sharing,
Take care
On 18/03/2012, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Attention Deficit = Unable to suppress normal brain function enough to pay
>> close attention to something nowhere near
>> worth the attention.
> Looking back at my childhood, this was a problem for me because I
> usually got something the first time. The American education system is
> design to repeat, repeat, repeat until enough kids see enough of the
> pattern to be able to pass a test, but still never understand it.
> Boring. I saw no value in doing homework because either I knew it or I
> didn't and no amount of doing homework incorrectly was going to change
> it. I was one of those know-it-all kids that didn't know how to shut
> up. (nothing has changed there--you guys are my current victims).
> What happened to me, though, was actually a little more weird. (wierd
> if you follow the spelling rules). ADHD started kicking in with a
> vengeance in my 30's and by the time I was 40, I was out of control. I
> couldn't sit through meetings, conference calls and any training class
> was completely off the charts for me. The hyperactivity wasn't a
> problem through the childhood, but started becoming an issue about 10
> years ago.
> Add to this was a dramatic decrease in ability to focus and I knew I
> had a problem. It was job affecting, for sure. I was able to keep the
> problems down to a dull roar, but at some point I screwed up on a
> major project the week before the Isle Royale Zuikofest and that was
> the point where I realized I had a major problem. After Isle Royale, I
> made appointments.
> First thing done were tests to see if there were any links to my
> migraines and whether there was some nasty thing growing inside the
> skull. I was born with migraines, so nothing to worry about there.
> Having the scans was tough. Trust me, I don't want to be alive when
> I'm put in a coffin. Nothing was found inside the head other than
> mushy gray stuff. This was accompanied with other tests which showed
> no apparent cause of either issue. So, off to Iowa City I go to have a
> bunch of tests done with some top dog guy there at the university
> hospital. Those tests included everything from IQ to memory to
> whatever. Hours worth of testing, interviews and so forth.
> Anyway, cutting to the chase here... I have ADHD. I learned how to
> control it and also learned how to recognize and compensate for the
> work-affecting issues. Most of the time. It is cyclical and right now
> is pretty bad. I sat in a conference the last two days and almost came
> unglued. I had to play games on my cellphone just to keep from having
> to run out the door. Some days, it can get really rough.
> OK, enough of this for tonight. Time to head off to bed.
> AG
> --
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