On 12 March 2012 16:44, Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So, a few days ago I was shooting with the OM-4T and had a moment of
> puzzlement.
> I looked through the viewfinder and was trying to get a spot reading.
> I tapped the shutter-release to wake up the display.
> Nothing. No lovely OM-4T display.
> It was then that I realized that I was holding the camera differently
> and my left hand was over the top of the lens and not underneath. I
> had the backlight window covered by my finger.
I did that quite often when I first got an OM-2SP (OM-2S). The little
window is right where I used to have my right middle finger until I
learned to hold the camera differently. I blame years of using a
Pentax ME Super - to reach the rearmost shutter speed button mean
having my hand higher up the camera body than I might other was have
placed it. That's my excuse anyway.
Stand firm for what you believe in, until and unless logic and experience
prove you wrong. Remember: when the emperor looks naked, the emperor *is*
naked, the truth and a lie are not "sort-of the same thing" and there is
no aspect, no facet, no moment of life that can't be improved with pizza.
-Daria Morgendorffer
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