Wow, looks nice and pristine with the hard to find hood. Took me 6mos
to find an original hood (just lucky) and it was a bit beat up.
Beautiful bokeh and doesn't change length with change in Focal length.
My CV 180/4 (a Big Foot brother, OM mount of course)on extension is
much much more compact for travel
and APO but the bokeh on the VivS1 is actually smoother despite the CV
Has same coatings as Viv S1 90mm macro as best my research could find
and due to very complex design
with many interfaces results in slight color cast--perhaps recall my
adventure to cancel it. Usually not noticeable unless looking very
hard for it
except in some circumstances. I really like mine. Jeff K spotted the
one I have and I had been keeping an eye out for about 2 years.
I can link a couple images if anyone is interested.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: