So, No. 2 Sn is still in intensive care, but is showing signs of recovery. The
main issue his his lungs, and acute respiratory distress syndrome.
At the moment, they are weaning him off the ventilator. Still on it at night,
on fairly minimal settings, but during the day he divides his time between
something called CPAP and the trach collar. CPAP uses the ventilator, but lets
him do most of the breathing work. The trach collar simply blows oxygen in at
about 40 percent and he does all the work.
But rather than go on in words, I suggest anyone who is interested check out
the following YouTube video. Footage shot this morning (Saturday) with my
iPhone. Assembly and credits by my daughter in law, who put it together in a
few minutes while sitting in the ICU waiting room.
It's a private setting, so you have to have the link to get there. A search
won't find it.
He's got a ways to go, but he's come a long way.
As you can see, your prayers, good wishes, positive energy, etc., have had
their intended effect. The docs are talking about moving him out of ICU to a
pulmonary rehab floor as soon as next week.
Thanks agan for all your support.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: