I've dented my helmet a couple of times. Dented my skull a couple of
times too. Not sure it knocked any sense into me as my dad claimed.
Can't be so sure that I should have survived childhood and young
adulthood. Wierd thing occured. Once I started wearing a helmet I
started riding even riskier and faster. Oh well.
But unlike Nathan's daughter, I've never been very balanced--it's all
or nothing for me. She looks like she's not going to terrorize the
neighbors or try to set a new land-speed record. I think it was 48 MPH
I was clocked one time in a 35 MPH zone by the police. That was on my
mountain bike. The road racer was even faster once I got the
carbon-fiber spokes installed.
Specific to the photography--Nathan has a camera with him. Nathan had
the camera at the ready. Nathan got a great shot of his daughter
bearing a terrific smile. I'd say that Nathan did well.
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Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/