Jez wrote
> Or here:
> On 2 February 2012 10:22, Piers Hemy <piers@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Try here:
> >
> >
> > Although it might be a licensing difficulty in either case. But there
> > are non-video animations here:
> >
> >
> > Piers
Yes, the Youtube version worked in NZ. The others were subject to
geographic limitation.
I don't know if other people have a method of capturing such videos, but I
now have two methods, depending on the coding that youtube use for
If I can access the actual link, a VERY early version of Opera I have will
download it for me and save it without viewing.
If I can not find a direct link in their source code, I use another method.
For just ONE of my Opera browsers, I have located the browser cache it
uses for such files. Alongside that directory I have created another called
"New", and as soon as I have identified which of the Opera cache files is the
video (usually obvious by the rapid growth in file size) I copy it to the "New"
directory. I do this at intervals until transmission is complete. Usually
transmission with broadband is complete well before the video has stopped
Then I rename the Opera file to whatever I choose and add an FLV file
It then will play with an FLV video player.
The Python video is 268 MB for its 48 minutes.
Brian Swale.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: