Hmm, you're probably right. I'm on a Macbook Pro (not the most colour-
acurate monitor in the world) and I scanned these late at night under
warm-ish light, so I probably adjusted them to my eyes at the time. My
VueScan colour process is everything but scientific at this stage.
I'll try again... I hate colour film, but sometimes love the results
it can produce.
On 26 Jan 2012, at 3:28 PM, Wiliam Wagenaar wrote:
> Dawid,
> The scans from the leaves and flowers look very good te me. The
> other ones
> are a bit bluish on my monitor and to my eyes.
> Wiliam
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dawid Loubser [mailto:dawid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: donderdag 26 januari 2012 7:15
> To: Olympus Camera Discussion
> Subject: [OM] My, they work in colour too!
> I said I'd try some colour film in my OM for a change this year...
> I still hate scanning 35mm with an Epson V700, but the results are not
> bad. I can almost get a decent 8 megapixels out of this thing, now
> that focus is calibrated. When Epson says calibrated, it means
> fiddling with flimsy plastic bits until the film is held the correct
> distance above the scanning glass.
> With cider and an oak leaf
> _philosomatographer-d4nmx7z.jpg
> (Portra 400VC, Zuiko 21mm at f/2.0, OM-3Ti)
> A lovely afternoon at Pizza Luna with my wife after work...
> Traveling Wisteria
> matographer-d4lzvey.jpg
> (Portra 400VC, Zuiko 250mm at f/2.0, OM-3Ti)
> Some very strange late-afternoon light in our garden...
> African Violets on the Lawn
> y_philosomatographer-d4lzup1.jpg
> (Portra 400VC, Zuiko 40mm at f/2.0, OM-3Ti)
> Lost, but not alone
> omatographer-d4lzvdk.jpg
> (Portra 400VC, Zuiko 50mm at f/1.4, OM-3Ti)
> Something like 1/8s at f/1.4, it was pitch dark...
> Woolworths Vista
> tographer-d4nmxrk.jpg
> (Portra 400VC, Zuiko 21mm at f/8.0, OM-3Ti)
> What can I say, I like shooting Zuikos at full aperture :-) The last
> image was more of a test, I wanted to see what super-wide angle with
> the Zuiko 21mm at optimum aperture could look like on colour film. I
> must say, apart from film grain, the detail rendition is mighty
> impressive right into the corners. Scanned this at 3200dpi (12+
> megapixels) and it's really surprisingly good. In all of these
> experiments, I am struck by the immense dynamic range of colour
> negative film.
> I hate fiddling with the colour trying to make them look right, I
> could still play with these for hours before being truly happy. And
> this with Vuescan, supposedly among the better scanning apps! (but the
> application with the single worst, amateur user interface I have ever
> used in my life)
> thanks for looking,
> Dawid Loubser
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