It turns out that it wasn't actually 87. That was according to my
digital thermometer which seems to be giving spurious readings of late.
Or it may just be the location it's in. I noted that a conventional
mercury bulb thermometer located 10 feet away read 82. So I moved the
digital to the same location and after a while they were within a degree
of each other. I thought at first that the digital might have been
catching the afternoon sun but I don't see how. Can't explain it yet
but, no, it wasn't really that hot. It was hotter today than the past
week but still quite nice with a strong breeze. We were in Orlando much
of the past week and the days and nights were all delightful.
Chuck Norcutt
On 1/26/2012 3:57 PM, Johnny Johnson wrote:
> It must have warmed up some this week Chuck. I was in central and south
> Florida last week and week before last. Had rain one morning out of the 14
> days and the temps were wonderful. (Mitchelle just said that it was around
> 80 in Key West but I'm sticking to my story that the lows most days were in
> the mid to high 50's and the highs in the mid 70's.) In any case it was
> much better than the freezing temps and rain that we skipped here in North
> Georgia.
> Cya,
> JJ
> ---------------------
> Johnny Johnson
> On Jan 26, 2012 2:23 PM, "Chuck Norcutt"<chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> Yes, for the winter. And glad of it. Right now it's actually a bit too
>> warm at 87F. But a cool front is coming in right now and it should be
>> more seasonable tomorrow.
>> Chuck Norcutt
>> On 1/26/2012 12:28 PM, Johnny Johnson wrote:
>>> Thanks for the welcome back Chuck. Are you in Florida for the winter?
>>> Cya,
>>> Johnny
>>> ---------------------
>>> Johnny Johnson
>> --
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