Although I don't shoot both raw and JPEGs at the same time I do separate
them into different folders like Moose does.
When I shoot anything (raw from the Canon or Minolta, JPEG from the
Samsung) it goes into the primary folder which is named something like:
2012-01-26 - Emerson Point Preserve
This primary folder contains whatever came straight out of the camera.
Assuming I've even worked on them at all this folder will always have at
least one sub-folder titled:
The Converted folder contains the results of exposure and other
corrections... anything that can be performed in ACR whether raw or JPEG
including undimensioned crops for straightening.
It most likely will also have a sub-folder named:
Things I probably won't use but was unwilling to delete (immediately)
Outright deletions are usually limited to those things like bad focus,
motion blur, blown highlights, etc. Things that can't be salvaged.
The Converted folder may ultimately have a sub-folder named Crops. The
Crops folder contains non-dimensioned crops but most (panos excepted)
will likely be cropped to a specific aspect ratio. The Crops folder may
have a sub-folder named Prints. The Prints folder contains dimensioned
and sharpened versions from the Crops folder which are specifically for
For the curious, a link to the place mentioned in the folder name
Chuck Norcutt
On 1/25/2012 11:44 PM, Moose wrote:
> On 1/25/2012 3:51 AM, Wayne Harridge wrote:
>> G'day everyone that bought AfterShotPro,
>> I too thought it was too good to pass up.
>> ...but I have a question !
>> When I display a directory in the thumbnail browser it shows both
>> .ORF and .JPG files, is there some easy way to filter the
>> thumbnails so I only see the .ORF files ?
> Most of the converter/editors I've used don't filter. When I shoot
> both, I simply put the Raw files in a directory below the JPEGs.
> Filtered Moose
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: