As another one-time lab-rat veteran of a commercial mass processing house,
I echo Moose's sentiments. Plus, I can remember processing some "racey"
Ektachrome at home - long, long ago - because I didn't want it confiscated
by the censors at Kodak (Yes, they had them!) and what a PITA that was.
On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Bill Pearce <billcpearce@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> I don't know to whom you are talking here. I have no interest whatsoever in
> processing color film. I made a couple of R
> prints from slides in little plastic tube over 40 years ago. That was more
> than enough.
> Moose
> Another of the usual sopt-on observations here. There are those who have
> said since the announcement, "Oh, well, I will just buy the chemistry and
> process myself." From someone that has done this professionally on a leve
> just higher than home processing, It Sucks!!
> --
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