I seem to have a problem with list posts from certain people never arriving
in my InBox.
It started with George Themelis. When he first joined the list, I received
his posts. But he was (I think) overwhelmed with the volume of traffic on
this list, and either stopped posting or discontinued membership. But then
I noticed other list members responding to posts from George that I had
never received.
Well, whatever happened to George has now happened to our very own Ken
Norton. It started around Christmas 2011, and since then I have not
received any posts from Ken, but numerous list members have quoted his
I have just logged on to my ISP to see if Ken's posts were redirected to my
Spam folder (email in the Spam folder is not downloaded by Outlook Express),
but Ken's posts were nowhere to be found. I found lots of messages from
members of LinkedIn (I am not a member), and even more offers to increase
the size of my manhood, but no posts from Ken. It look as though the posts
are never arriving in the first place.
So, Ken, did you change anything around Christmas?
-- start posting from a new userid?
-- start posting from a new ISP?
-- use a different signature?
Are there any other list members using BTinternet.com as your ISP? Have you
noticed any posts not arriving?
Has anyone had this type of problem in the past? What was the cause, and
did you find a solution?
All suggestions welcome. (Ken: if you reply to this post, I will not
receive it, so someone else on the list needs to repost it. Thanks.)
-- from CyberSimian in the UK
Options: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/listinfo/olympus
Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: http://www.tope.nl/