Yes, per Rachel at Katzeye the increased brightness always comes at the
cost of
"focusing contrast." It is always a compromise. I had thought the 1-13
and 2-13 enable reliable focus at f1.4 and was a bit surprised by
Dawid's observation.
Perhaps itis because I was comparing performance with the Z. 50/1.4?
I could not find any experiments on this in the archives. Perhaps John
would know if the 2-series have consistent trouble at f1.2.
The stock Canyon OM 5DII screen seems to be about F4 for reliable focus
(against mag LV) as far as I can tell. (no surprise)
I recall some mention of one Nykon model that enabled one to flip
focusing screens that were pre-installed. Changing OM's FS is
not very fussy, but is still not something one wants to do while out
and about. (I use sterile powderless surgical gloves which really
makes it fast.)
Clean Screen, Mike
But I *want* to have my cake and eat it too! Everything else about the
OM-3Ti represents having one's cake and eating it.
Ironically - the 2-series screen comes closest to best all-rounder, as
there really is only a *single* point of criticism, and that's the
display of deeper DOF than what really will be recorded. Other than
that, it's perfect perfect perfect - super contrasty, as bright as
viewing with the naked eye (truly), no off-axis aberration (many other
OM focus screens have heavy coma-like smearing of bright objects to
the corners), and central focusing aids that are so precisely
manufactured, they literally visually disappear when you're in focus,
unlike many other split prisms that have distinct outlines, etc. It
makes the scene look better and more vivid than it really is, and
makes the lens performance look better than it is (not so good).
With this conundrum in mind, I can appreciate the considerable effort
the Olympus engineers must have applied to develop the 2-series
screens. At least I have established on thing - the 2-series does show
a DOF difference between f/2.8 and f/4. I thought it was as bad as
only showing f/4 and down. I guess I'll take my chances with f/2.8
accuracy.. maybe... or should I just use the Nikon F again?
(just kidding)
I do get the point of what you are saying, Chuck. I do however want to
minimise my fiddling *within* the 35mm realm - I already use different
camera types (35mm, 6x7cm, 4x5in) for different purposes. I have
sampled all three iconic 35mm cameras (Leica M3, Nikon F, Olympus OM)
and I really don't want to be wondering whether I should switch
between them too! An Olympus OM comes closes to ideal all-rounder.
Themed Olympus Photo Exhibition: