On 04 Jan 2012, at 8:10 AM, Moose wrote:
>> Who ate the bokeh?
>> http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/003/0/6/who_ate_the_bokeh__by_philosomatographer-d4l5o0c.jpg
>> (Ilford Delta 400, OM-1n, 250mm at f/2.0)
> I assume the shapes aren't round because the Christmas lights aren't
> round and are frosted, so the whole surface of each
> is about equally bright.
Thanks for the compliments, Moose!
I'm not so sure about your explanation - even if the small shapes were
not round, they could not affect the shape of the blur circles so
drastically - they could only affect it quite subtly, proportional to
their actual size. Another theory is needed. Perhaps it's the partial
obscuring of the rearmost christmas lights by the items in the
christmas tree (particularly, silver balls hanging in the tree...)?
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