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Re: [OM] Leica screwmount ID help

Subject: Re: [OM] Leica screwmount ID help
From: "Jim Nichols" <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 14:52:15 -0600

Red Dial Leica IIIfs start with SN611000.  This refers to the numbers of the 
synchronizer dial, which is on the top cover, at the base of the shutter 
speed dial.  There are a few differences between the red dial and black dial 
models, but both take great photos.

I recently resumed shooting with my red dial model (it is hard to see any 
red paint in the engraving).  The lenses sound like the 50/1.5 Summarit, the 
90 Elmar, and one of the screw mount 135s.  One place to get an idea of the 
value is to look at the classifieds on RangeFinder Forum.  All of this is 
fine gear if it is in reasonable shape.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuck Norcutt" <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Olympus mail list" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2011 2:33 PM
Subject: [OM] Leica screwmount ID help

> Last night my son casually mentioned that the father of his friend of
> many years died recently and, knowing of my interest in cameras, had
> gifted me his father's camera.  I asked him what it was and he said, "I
> don't know, it has some lenses with it and it's in a box in your room
> upstairs".
> Well, I was nearly bowled over when I looked in the box.  One Leica IIIf
> (I believe) with 5cm f/1.5, 9cm f/4 and 13.5cm f/4.  Also an adjustable
> viewfinder covering 3.5 to 13.5 cm, a square lens hood, a GE lightmeter
> (selenium I suppose, no battery), an Afga electronic flash (whose
> batteries expired in 1993 but had not leaked) plus leather cases for
> camera and meter and plastic cases for the lenses.  Also a 1952 book on
> Leica IIIf and M bodies... and one partly exposed roll of film in the
> camera.
> Wow!  All of it's well used but not ugly.  I have no idea what it's all
> worth but I assume it's not peanuts.  I think I've pretty well ID'd the
> body as a IIIf but in looking around at IIIf ads I see reference to "red
> dial" bodies.  Dunno what that means but doubt that this is one since I
> don't see any red paint on any dials.  Can anyone tell me what that means.
> I'm really torn as to what to do.  My son says he doesn't think his
> friend is likely to take it back... he and his wife have been anxious to
> just move as much stuff as possible out of his father's house.  But I'm
> not sure he has any inkling of what this stuff might be worth.  I'm sure
> he saw it as nothing but an old camera and I feel guilty accepting it.
> I'll get the film developed.  I suspect it's been in the camera for 20
> years but maybe something will come out of it that I can give back the 
> son.
> Chuck Norcutt
> -- 
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