You are missing the point. The old auto exposure little RF's are 'fashionable'!
I don't want to use the damn things, I want to restore and resell them to the
lunatic retro fashionistas.
Of course, if they were serious, they wouldn't spend $3-400 on a Canonet
QL17-GIII but this isn't about serious.
It's not about reliable.
It's not about image quality.
It's about 'cool'.
Andrew Fildes (who has a user M4 with a Morgan Sparkes Verdigris Goatskin cover
as his backup, OK?
On 22/11/2011, at 5:59 PM, Nathan Wajsman wrote:
> If you want to dabble in film rangefinders and do not wish to spend
> Leica-type money, then a new Cosina/Voigtlander (sold by Cameraquest in the
> US) will beat any of those old junkers, takes excellent CV or Leica M lenses
> and is very reliable. I have a fully mechanical R2M as the backup in my Leica
> M8 bag.
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