Yeah Ken,
You are right, by the time I took that picture I was reading that book of
photo retouching and I though it was a nice idea to practice using that
picture. It´s something like a training, isn´t it?
2011/10/26 Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > I, however, find it
> > somewhat offensive that you would feel the need to recreate this
> > stranger's perfectly fine nose.
> I'd say it's fine. He's obviously not going to sell a photo to her.
> For my own personal pleasure, I take landscape photographs. Sometimes
> I sell one, but mostly they are for pleasure. Does that stop me from
> editing? Nope! I'll clone out things I don't like in the
> photograph--power poles, trash and a misplaced tree-branch. Is it any
> different for me to edit a landscape shot than it is for David to edit
> a nose on a street photography shot? Both are strictly for personal
> gratification. No commercial interests involved.
> I'm a fan of Norman Rockwell. He used photography as part of his
> illustrating process. That's why his paintings were so realistic is
> because he used guide prints. Did he do corrective surgury on his
> subjects? Oh, yeah. For sure.
> AG
> --
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