Maybe you do need to simplify. Get rid of all filters, for example. I have
found that over the years, I have come to value simplicity more and more.
Nathan Wajsman
Alicante, Spain
On Oct 17, 2011, at 6:26 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
> For the past several years I've been having a problem. I really don't
> understand what is going on. It used to be that I could change lenses
> quickly, easily and without any issues. Everything in the bag seemed to fit
> and have a home. Now, when I go to change lenses, it takes me much longer
> and with a whole lot more steps and concerns. A few thoughts come to mind:
> 1. I'm carrying more gear.
> 2. My grip has continued to decline.
> 3. Increased finger numbness.
> 4. My workflow is off.
> 5. Bag arrangement.
> It has gotten to the point where I would rather take a compromised
> photograph than stop to change lenses.
> Other things that cross my mind is that I didn't use lens caps as much as I
> do now. During a shoot, the lenses would go face down in the bag and I'd
> just pop a rear cap on it. But I tend to use filters for B&W and polorizers,
> so these also have to switch between lenses. Changing a lens just opens up a
> whole can of worms. When I get back to the house, it takes me 20 minutes to
> get everything situated back in their proper bags and recapped.
> Is the issue one of too many choices? Possible. Too many possible
> combinations? Certainly. I've always carried two camera bodies, but these
> days it's usually three. Color film, B&W film and digital. When travelling
> analog, the digital body is the first thing to shed. But what if the scene
> begs to be photographed in both color and B&W? Whatever lens is used for the
> composition must be swapped between the two bodies. This, of course, is for
> personal work, not event/portrait shooting where I'm using only one film.
> What I'm not understanding is how I'm not doing much of anything different
> than I did years ago. It's just that I can't seem to manage my choices as
> well.
> So, here is a description of my smaller bag. Maybe the answer jumps right
> out at you. I think I might be seeing something, but it's just not clear to
> me at the moment:
> - Medium-sized shoulder bag
> - OM-4T with wide-to-normal prime lens. This fits in the largest space which
> just takes the camera and prime lens up to 100/2.
> - OM-3Ti with body cap. This fits in a spot where a lens would normally fit.
> - wide-angle lens (typically 24/2.8) or normal lens (typically 50/2.8).
> Whichever lens not on camera fits in this slot. A 35/2.8 or extension tube
> will sit under this prime, filling out the rest of the spot.
> - 100mm lens in another spot.
> - 200mm lens in the final spot.
> - Side pocket with film, filters and accessories.
> Depending on the task at hand, there are many possible substitutions, but
> this gives you an idea of my "going for a walk" kit. My event kit is much
> more dedicated and avoids almost all lens changes.
> AG
> --
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