Glad to hear it was so easy.
Chuck Norcutt
On 9/23/2011 2:35 PM, Chris Trask wrote:
>>> The item is part of a ring that holds the aperture actuator ring in
>>> place. I'm going to play it safe and ask the repair tech at the local
>>> camera shop to loosen the four screws holding it in place for me.
> They're
>>> JIA style Philips head, they're very tight, and I don't want to strip
> them.
>>> Then I'll mount the part on the end mill rotary table and VERY carfully
>>> remove most if not all of the offending item.
>> I think I'd only take off the offending 2mm and only over the arc
>> required. It was put there for a purpose and I'll bet there's a good
>> chance it will still serve the same purpose after minimalist surgery.
> The repair tech got the three JIS screws out, said that they were very
> tight. Getting the ring out I noticed that something similar to loctite was
> used, which explains why the screws were exceptionally tight.
> He confirmed that the sole purpose of that extra metal is to protect the
> aperture actuator arm, and he suggested removing it entirely, using nothing
> more than sandpaper.
> Not to my complete surprise, he recognized the lens almost immediately.
> I think he enjoys seeing this older equipment.
> Chris
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